Determining When You Should Hire A Workers' Compensation Attorney
Workers that sustain an injury as a result of their job are protected by workers' compensation insurance. The employer must carry the insurance by law, but if the insurance company is giving you the run-around about a claim, getting a workers' compensation attorney involved in the matter may be the only solution you have.
Workers' Compensation Laws
Workers' compensation laws are set by each state in the US. The laws are similar in most states but the legislative body for each state can put their own spin on the law, making it easier or harder to work within. The purpose of the law is to provide payment of lost wages, medical expenses, and rehabilitation for workers with injuries or diseases that are sustained on the job. There can be provisions in the law that require the worker to prove the injury is from the job, and that makes it harder for the worker to file and receive payment for a claim.
Hire A Workers' Comp Attorney
Most claims do not require an attorney and many industries that have the potential for injuries have nurses on staff in the plant. The idea is that if you suffer an injury, you can go to the nurse and document it, and then you can get an evaluation and treatment right away. When there is no resource like that and you file a claim that meets resistance from the employee's company or from the insurance company, you may need to hire a workers' compensation attorney to help you.
Injuries that have the potential for long term effects need treatment and care. If the cause of the injury was lack of training, equipment, or safe working conditions, the lawyer can help you get the compensation you need, and if the insurance company is not being cooperative, the attorney would know how to navigate the system, even by filing a case in court if necessary.
Every Injury Deserves Compensation
The level of compensation may be different from one case to another, but no matter what happened, if you received an injury while working, you should have the peace of mind to know that the company or the insurance that they carry will cover the costs. If it means a few stitches and an ambulance ride, you should not have to pay for that. Even something minor could warrant an attorney, but that may not always be practical.
If you feel like you have a case and the company is not working with you, get a consultation from a workers' compensation attorney. Sometimes a simple letter from an attorney will spark the company to take action and pay your claim.